Watch The Rangoon
The visualization looks like a comic relief in the film set against the intense backdrop of World War II. We see Shahid and Kangana sharing fun-filled, playful moments while Saif looks rather anguished as he watches his lady-love shake hands with Shahid.
watch the Rangoon
.mw-parser-output .dropinitialfloat:left; .dropinitial .dropinitial-flfloat:left;position:relative;vertical-align:top; .dropinitial .dropinitial-initialfloat:left;line-height:1em;text-indent:0 GARVEN, mouthing his cheroot in the smoking-room, idly fingered the white jade seal that depended from his watch-chain. This seal was an odd thing. Garven himself was odd. Most singular of all, however, was the fact that the man sitting on Garven's left should have laid down his book at this precise instant, thus catching sight of the jade seal.
Manning left the smoking-room. He made his way to the upper deck, and there stood for a moment at the rail. Then, deliberately, he flung his book overboard and watched the splash in the phosphorescent rush of water alongside; it was a gesture as though he had finished with something forever. Drawing a deep breath, he turned aft and went to the purser's cabin, at which he knocked. The purser was splitting a bottle of beer with the first officer, and Manning crowded into the little cabin, and sank on the bunk.