Events ##BEST##
Before starting, you may want to make a few early decisions about your application architecture and approach to consuming events. The Events API is best used in conjunction with other platform features.
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One way to use the Events API is as an alternative to opening WebSocket connections to the real time messaging API. Why choose the Events API over the RTM API? Instead of maintaining one or more long-lived connections for each workspace an application is connected to, you simply set up one or more endpoints on your own servers to receive events atomically in near real-time. For more information, refer to Events API FAQ.
Other developers will use the Events API to receive information around the workspaces and users they are acting on behalf, to improve their slash commands, bot users, notifications, or other capabilities. With app events, you can track app uninstallation, token revocation, Enterprise Grid migration, and more. Handle anything else your app does by using incoming webhooks and other write-based web API methods.
The Events API leverages Slack's existing object-driven OAuth scope system to control access to events. For example, if your app has access to files through the files:read scope, you can choose to subscribe to any or none of the file-related events such as file_created and file_deleted.
You will only receive events that users who have authorized your app can "see" on their workspace (that is, if a user authorizes access to private channel history, you'll only see the activity in private channels they are a member of, not all private channels across the workspace).
Your Request URL will receive JSON-based payloads containing wrapped event types. The volume of events will vary depending on the events you subscribe to, and the size and activity of the workspaces that install your application.
The events sent to your Request URL may contain sensitive information associated with the workspaces having approved your Slack app. To ensure that events are being delivered to a server under your direct control, we must verify your ownership by issuing you a challenge request.
Especially when working with large workspaces, many workspaces, or subscribing to a large number of events, de-coupling the processing of and reaction to events is key. With this challenging handshake complete, you're ready to open up our event type catalog and decide which events to subscribe to.
Authorize users for your Event Consumer app through the standard OAuth flow. Be sure to include all of the necessary scopes for the events your app wants to receive. Consult our index of the available event types with corresponding OAuth scopes.
If you're already familiar with the real time messaging API, you'll find that the inner event structure is identical to corresponding events, but are wrapped in a kind of event envelope in the callbacks we send to your event Request URL:
To get a full list of who can see events, call the apps.event.authorizations.list method after obtaining an app-level token. Read more on the changes here. They have taken effect for existing apps on February 24, 2021.
Not all events provide an event_context. Read more about the events where event_context is not applicable, and view a full list of those events. Newly created apps are automatically opted into the new form of events: a single, truncated authorizations field with one authorization shown.
You can also use the apps.event.authorizations.list method immediately, without yet opting in to the event payload changes. These changes allow Slack to increase the performance of the Events API, delivering events faster.
Event deliveries currently max out at 30,000 per workspace per app per 60 minutes. If your app would receive more than one workspace's 30,000 events in a 60 minute window, you'll receive app_rate_limited events describing the conditions every minute.
As Slack sends your request URL events, we ask that you return a HTTP 200 OK for each event you successfully receive. You may respond with a HTTP 301 or 302 and we'll follow up to two redirects in our quest for you to provide us a HTTP 200 success code. Respond with success conditions to at least 5% of the events delivered to your app or risk being temporarily disabled.
Once you've repaired your ability to handle events, re-enable subscriptions by visiting Slack app management, selecting your app, and following the prompts. You'll need to go to Live App Settings if your app is part of the directory.
If you've configured your subscription to receive reaction_added, reaction_removed, and file_created events, you won't receive all three unless you request the reactions:read and files:read scopes from the user. For example, If you'd only requested files:read, you'll only receive file_created events and not reaction_added or reaction_removed.
Adding event subscriptions you aren't yet scoped for: For example, you've been requesting channels:read from users and decide to add the file_created event. Because you don't have access to this resource (files), you won't receive file_created events immediately. You must send your existing users through the OAuth flow again, requesting the files:read scope. You'll begin to receive file_created events for each user after they authorize files:read for your app.
Removing event subscriptions, regardless of granted scopes: Events will immediately stop being sent for all users who have installed your app. Their OAuth scopes and authorizations will not be affected. If you weren't granted the permission scopes for the removed event subscription, then nothing really changes. You weren't receiving those events anyway and you won't be receiving them now either.
In a typical C# Windows Forms or Web application, you subscribe to events raised by controls such as buttons and list boxes. You can use the Visual C# integrated development environment (IDE) to browse the events that a control publishes and select the ones that you want to handle. The IDE provides an easy way to automatically add an empty event handler method and the code to subscribe to the event. For more information, see How to subscribe to and unsubscribe from events.
We never sell attendee lists or contact information, nor do we authorize others to do so. If you receive an email claiming to sell an attendee list for a Linux Foundation event, please forward it to on this site are protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Some events have multiple activity types. For these events, you can specify which activity types will trigger a workflow run. For more information about what each activity type means, see "Webhook events and payloads."
Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."
Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." Although only the started activity type is supported, specifying the activity type will keep your workflow specific if more activity types are added in the future. By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."
Runs your workflow when an issue or pull request comment is created, edited, or deleted. For information about the issue comment APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "Webhook events and payloads" in the REST API documentation. 041b061a72